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Hi there!

My name is Kate

A people pleaser on the mend, a fellow neurodivergent, and unlearning my anxious tendencies.


I am a resourceful, creative, and compassionate problem solver, ready to find solutions that are unique to each individual because one size shouldn’t fit all.


That's why I created these planners just for you,

with love

Mission statement

core values

You could say I'm a bit obsessed with finding solutions.


So, my mission is to help fellow neurodivergent individuals thrive as their authentic selves. By uncovering pain points and creating unique solutions that help break free from the limitations of the status quo, I hope to eliminate stress, guilt, and shame.


To give individuals the strength to embrace who they are at any given moment and thrive wholeheartedly while chipping away at the stress, shame, and guilt.


Ability to understand and share the feelings of neurodivergent individuals.



Honoring our differences while uplifting one another.



Willingness to work together and value insight and input throughout the creation process.



Purse creative and novel solutions that break free from conventional methods to better serve the neurodivergent community.

White Background

my story

the real story of how my planners came to life

Fall 2019: Left tour life on Disney on Ice



Winter 2019/2020: Move to Denver for Wedding Planning Career



Early Spring 2020: Pandemic hit. → Lost Job



Summer 2020: Self-exploration and career searching



Fall 2020: Reluctant to take 9-5 corporate office job → Started Coordinate Kate without a clear vision



Winter 2020 to Winter 2021: Enjoying weekends and evenings finally



Late Summer 2021: Diagnosed with ADHD... as well as anxiety and C-PTSD



January 2022: Created a planner for myself, because nothing else worked.



Early Spring 2022: Left corporate 9-5 life behind! → Clear vision for planner system for neurodivergent folks



Spring 2022: Snowboarding shoulder injury → Self-healing first, business second



Summer 2022: New planner system in development, with the help of family and friends!



Fall 2022: Hyper focusing on launching Coordinate Kate: The Alchemist's Planner



Winter 2022: Working toward business, mental, and relationship growth



Present Day: Currently obsessed with finding solutions to help others reduce stress, guilt, shame, etc.




Given the opportunity, we all have the chance to thrive! 


The Alchemist's Planner can help your neurodivergent mind thrive by providing:

  1. Customization: Complete collaboration to get exactly what you want, online creation with ready-to-go pages, or purchase creation bundles that have worked for other neurodivergent folks. 

  2. Versatility: Include as many sections as you’d like, so that you only carry around one notebook that hosts your schedule, journal, notes, and more!

  3. Endless Novelty: Anytime something is no longer serving you, switch it up! You can change your covers, discs, page arrangement, inserts, tabs, and so much more, to give yourself that boost of dopamine!

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